The new Rust Trademark Policy is wack

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Disclosure: The material in this blog has not been reviewed, endorsed, or approved by the Rust Foundation. For more information on the Rust Foundation Trademark Policy, click here.

I just wanted to talk about the Rust® compiler. It has some amazing programs called Clippy™ a linting tool and Cargo™ a build system and package manager. The GCC compiler for Rust® can compile rust into a native binary but both dont have a replacement for Clippy™ the linter and Cargo™ the build system and package manager.

This is the universe that the new Rust Trademark is hoping for. Here are just a few things that you have to do.

Disclosure: The material in this {book/paper/blog/article} has not been reviewed, endorsed, or approved of by the Rust Foundation. For more information on the Rust Foundation Trademark Policy, click here. 

Please comment on the Twitter post announcing this change saying you don't want this change!